It was such a beautiful day, just the right amount of clouds, not too hot, no rain (it is Southern California), and my camera. Perfect. I captured some memorable moments, and loved every second of it. The wedding was at the Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills, for our friends Rose and Carmen, and of course it was an honour. It was all outside, ceremony and the reception, with some amazing creme brulee french toast among other brunch style buffet items. Wonderful!
A site to showcase my talent for photography, as well as my love for baking, and the outdoors. If interested for an event contact Katrin at
Katrin was born in Wuppertal, Germany. She was raised in Brighton, England as well as Albuquerque, New Mexico and Atlanta, Georgia. She then decided to move to New York, New York to attend an acting conservatory. Upon graduation she decided to stay, and that is when she met her now husband on a bus to New Jersey. After 8 years in NY they moved to Los Angeles, California.
Why a blog?
I love photos. I love the special paper, the gloss, the matte, the smell, putting them in albums, and most of all taking them. I love details. Patterns on cakes, the buds on flowers, the mortar between brick keeping the building together- the simplest things that we take for granted that make our life special, even if just for a minute. Moments in time, frozen forever. This blog is for all those people who love photos too, or who need someone to capture their details in life, a wedding, a birth or an engagement if you happen to live in Los Angeles!
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