It's already November, and I haven't blogged since July, that's pretty crazy! A lot has been going on, including me starting culinary school, which is exciting. So I thought I'd share with you a recipe I've created (actually 2 days before I started school, so it's all me), it's a new spin on a fruit tart using pomegranates, including pomegranate juice in the glaze. It has a great subtle flavor, and surprisingly the pomegranates have a wonderful crunch when the tart has been set in the fridge. Below is the finished product, a Pomegranate Tart with strawberries and raspberries. It's actually your lucky day because I'm going to share the recipe with you... it's not hard to make, it seems like many steps, but it's not challenging I swear!

You will need for the crust:
1 1/4 cups All Purpose Flour
1/4 cup Confectioners' Sugar
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1/2 cup (1 stick) Butter (cut in small pieces)
1 large Egg Yolk
1 Tablespoon Ice Water
To make the crust,
Put flour, sugar and salt in the food processor. Add butter. Pulse till crumbs form.
In a cup, mix yolk and water, add and see dough forms.
Press dough into a 9 inch removable bottom tart pan, about 1/4 inch thick, no more.
Put in freezer for 15 minutes.
Pre-heat oven to 375F, line crust with foil or parchment paper and fill with dry beans, or pie wights. Bake for 12-16 minutes, or until golden brown.
Cool to room temperature.

For the cream filling you'll need:
1 1/2 cups whole Milk
1/2 cup Sugar
4 Egg Yolks
2 Tablespoons Cornstarch
2 Tablespoons Butter
2 Tablespoons Rum
2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract
Take a stainless steel saucepan, medium sized.
Fill it with 1 1/4 cups milk, leaving (1/4 cup left over), sugar. Scald over medium heat. Do not stir, just wait till small bubbles form on the edge.
In a separate cup mix 1/4 cup milk, egg yolks and cornstarch till smooth.
Temper egg mixture, by slowly adding some hot milk into eggs, stir, then a little more, stir.
Pour all the egg mixture into milk mixture off the heat, stir, then bring to boil (this will be quick).
Take off heat, add butter, rum and vanilla, whisk till smooth.
If there are small lumps sieve the pudding through a strainer. Put plastic wrap directly on pudding, so no skin forms.
Chill. This must cool for at least 40 minutes in the fridge if not longer. The mixture will stiffen.
For the pomegranate glaze you'll need:
1 cup POM Wonderful Pomegranate Juice
1/4 cup Sugar
1/8 cup Orange Liquor (optional, but add a great depth of flavor, you don't taste the alcohol)
1/8 cup cool Water
1 packet Gelatin (If you don't like gelatin, 2-3 teaspoons of cornstarch can be used instead, the difference is that gelatin is clearer, there is no film)
In a small saucepan,
Heat pomegranate juice with the sugar and liquor. Bring to a boil. Boil for about 15 minutes, this will reduce and become more concentrated.
In a separate cup pour in gelatin and cool water, stir. Do not add hot water. Add the gelatin mix to the reduction and stir for a minute.
Turn off heat, put aside.
Do not chill, just keep close and make sure it is still pretty hot, because you don't want it to set.
For the fresh fruit covering the tart you'll need:
1 cup fresh POM Wonderful Pomegranate pieces, enough from 1/2 whole pomegranate
1 cup fresh Strawberries
1/2 cup fresh Raspberries
(You can use any fruit you prefer instead with the pomegranate, but this is a good combination)
Assemble the tart.
Take the tart shell, add the cool cream filling, spread it evenly.
Take the strawberries and make a layer on the out side first, then make another layer with the raspberries, then fill in the leftover space with the pomegranate. Just grab small handfuls and sprinkle them on (It is OK to see the cream, this will be covered with the glaze).
Take the saucepan with the still very warm glaze and slowly pour it in the tart shell, filling in all the left over space. It is fine to not cover the fruit completely, but you can brush some glaze on them (this protects the fruit, and keeps it longer).
There you have it, there is a lot to explain, but honestly it's faster than it seems, there is just a lot of cooling going on. Keep it in the fridge overnight, or until the glaze does not move, this will take at least 4 hours.
Enjoy. It serves 6-8. A suggestion is to whip cream on the side, and garnish with more fresh pomegranate pieces on the plate.
Trust me the flavors are wonderful, and the crunch is the best part, the pomegranate really makes this original, and your friends will love it.